Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Leather Furniture Care and Repair

Nothing says class and elegance quite like
a beautifully upholstered leather sofa.
Leather furniture is an elegant, classy addition to any room; it exudes luxury without being flashy, and is sure to impress any guest. If taken care of properly, it can even last for years.You may have to reupholster your sofa every now and then, but if you enlist the right upholstery services, this is a painless task. However, follow these tips, and you can keep your leather couch or sofa looking good as new.

Tips to Keep Furniture Upholstery Stain-Free

Protecting your furniture is always a wise investment.
Keeping furniture in clean and good condition is usually a top priority among furniture owners, especially those in the hotel industry. If a guest checks into a room that has stained or damaged furniture, odds are that they will not be very satisfied with their stay. The same logic applies to homeowners as well - no one wants to invite someone into their home, only to have them sit on stained furniture! For these reasons, protecting your favorite fabric and furniture from stains is definitely something to consider. First impressions last forever, and you don’t want to ruin yours with a problem as easy to fix as a stain.

Friday, January 6, 2012

New York times Features Dr. Sofa

It seems that over time the furniture has been getting bigger and bigger, but the houses that we live in are not growing accordingly.

This posses a basic problem of how to fit in the furniture and is the subject of  a New York Times article in which our company Dr. Sofa was featured.

Here is an excerpt , you can read the whole article here:

Sofa stuck on a doorway

"....In some cases — particularly in New York, where doorways and elevators are narrow — big pieces bump up against simple laws of physics. Max Bar-Nahum, the director of sales and marketing at Dr. Sofa, a Bronx-based company that specializes in the dis assembly and reassembly of furniture, said he gets several calls a day from people who buy a couch or chair and discover it’s too big to deliver. The steel-frame couches made by B&B Italia and other modern designers bring him a lot of business. “You have no idea how big these sofas are,” Mr. Bar-Nahum said.
Granted, it can be hard to gauge the size of furniture in a store, where the ceilings are often high and the showrooms loft-like.
But retailers show no sign of dropping the biggest pieces from their lines, even at a time when many Americans are downsizing in response to the housing crash and recession. The median size of a new home, as of the third quarter of 2011, was 2,244 square feet, down from 2,308 square feet in 2006, said David Crowe, chief economist for the National Association of Homebuilders. He added that the square footage should level off at about 2,200 — a trend line that hardly screams Texas depth..."

Thank you to all of our friends for making us the preferred choice when it comes to dis assembly and reassembly your furniture!!!!!!!!!